Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hopefully a Sign of Things to Come

If you want to know what bucks are in your neighborhood, putting a trail camera in an agricultural field or food plot is a great place to start.  Even though this corn will likely be down for most of hunting season, it is a real hub of activity for all the neighborhood bucks during the summer months.  Even the ones that normally live on someone else's property will spend the summer months taking inventory of all the deer in the home range.

  After putting up my trail camera in late June, I went back about a month later to see the number 1200 on the front of my trail camera.  I thought I had just taken a thousand pictures of the corn growing (which turned out to be closer to 200), but when I popped the SD card into my computer, I was pleasantly surprised...OK I was really happy!  Even though these brutes may not live on my hunting ground, I'm hoping they'll show up in November looking for a hot doe.
My trail camera setup was simple, really.  I selected a 10yd wide drainage strip through a cornfield, and walked until I found a wet area where the corn didn't grow that well.  As luck would have it, there are also a couple of trees growing the in the drainage ditch, so I strapped on my camera and let it do the rest.

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